Published Jun 29, 2013
5 Posts
Hi, I'm new to the forums and I wish you all a great day. I've been to nursing school for a month and a half now and I'm loving it. I just made it through a 1 month intense introduction to the program class. It's when students have to get 75% or above to proceed to the next term. My final grade was 95% and I'm really happy about that. A few students have been cut because they failed to get at least 75% overall. Back to the topic, so right now, we're on the fundamentals of nursing. I took my very first FON exam last week and received the results this week. I was shocked for getting a 66% and the passing grade is 80%. I still have 7-8 tests left but I'm really upset and a little bit depressed. I studied my *** off to prepare for the exam but surprisingly the exam was NCLEX based so there were only about 5 questions on the exam that were from the FON book. I read 5 chapters over and over again and I thought I had it on LOCK but when I took the test it just confused me. We have the NCLEX-PN book but we never opened it. I know I'm not slacking because on I always get an A on random pop quizzes because the quizzes come from the FON book and I study that a lot. But the only problem is only 10% of our grade are based on the quizzes. 50% of our final grade are based on the weekly exams so I'm really stressed out right now and I know I need to change my study method but I just don't know how. I need a really good advice. My FON class is 4 hours 3 days a week and we have 5 quizzes every week and a test every week. I really have no problem on the quizzes but I'm in need on study tips. Thank you very much!
789 Posts
I just completed ADN program, and found that using NCLEX question books helps a lot. I use to try and use the book the professor relied on, but if not my school recommended Davis Success Books, and Reviews and Rationales books which had plenty of questions. I use to test myself with NCLEX style books before attending the class lectures. When I was in class, since I had read all of the material, I could ask questions directly to the teacher and see where I needed to restudy. I would also sit with the professor and dissect the exams to fiqure out her style and why I was missing the questions. Once I found out why, I would change how I studied. Could be content, reading questions, test taking anxiety. So really go over the tests and see what's happening first.
Philly_LPN_Girl, LPN
718 Posts
Your exam is probably from the FON book but, have nclex styled questions. A lot of people started off rocky because they thought the questions were gonna be straight forward. Study the fundamentals part of your nclex book that will definitly work and the ATI books are great as well good luck
421 Posts
Definitely do practice questions from the NCLEX PN book. NCLEX style questions can be the death of even the best A student. Getting good at answering them comes with practice, IMO. Use the NCLEX book in addition to your text to prepare.
I have a copy of the Saunders NCLEX PN and it has helped me become a better test taker. I read the assigned text and then do the relevant practice questions and read the rationals before every exam.