Tell me if you think this is fair.

Nursing Students General Students


Ok, so my instructor dropped me from clinical because I missed one day of clinical. I did contact her, but after clinical had started. This was a family emergency. She were very unprofessional, flipping out on me after I took the blame and admitted to being wrong. In our student handbook, it states that a student can only be dismissed if any thing the student does posses a threat to the patient/resident, instructors, staffs, and students. The student has to have done something serious 2X to be dismissed from clinical completely. My instructor flipped out on me, tells me that she will call me later. I texted her back later asking if I could do two extra clinical days to make up for the day that I missed. She just told me that she wanted to see me the following day. I show up the following day at school and she already had all the paper works ready to drop me from clinical. I had no say, every time I tried to say something she told me that I was rude and disrespectful.

I met with the Dean and the Director of campus operation and they both backed my instructor up. Now, they brought up that I missed one lecture day already, which was an excused absence, and so missing this clinical day adds up to two days so therefore I will remain dropped from the clinical component. Here is what I am trying to fight: in our student handbook, clinical dismissal and lecture dismissal are in different parts of the handbook. In lecture dismissal, it states that a student can only be dismissed if the students behavior is detrimental to their academic success. Student has to have missed two UNEXCUSED lecture day to be dropped from the course. When I missed lecture, my instructor was informed by an email from me that I will not be in class. So, what do you all think? I am thinking about going to the Campus Director, the person who runs that campus for help.

Unfortunately, I agree. We MUST call before 7am or it is considered unexcusable behavior. Having said that, the fact that YOUR baby was hospitalized may be grounds for appeal. But did the emergency happen right before your clinical? 2 hours before? 10 minutes before? I feel like this makes A HUGE difference. If the emergency happened as you were walking out the door, and you had to rush your baby to the ER right when you were supposed to arrive for clinical then I say you should not be dropped. The fact that you couldn't even explain your story is pretty harsh and that would really upset me as well. I would probably fight it but make sure you have valid points that are congruent with the policy and handbook your school gave you. Good luck

You mention that you e-mailed your instructor that you would not be in lecture. But, you didn't indicate how that made your absence excused. I don't think that the simple act of contacting an instructor makes an absence "excused." Excused means that you have proof of a valid reason for missing - whether that's a doctor's note or other proof that you couldn't attend for a legitimate reason.

If all you did was let the instructor know you wouldn't be at lecture, I would consider that to be an unexcused absence. Then the question is whether it was reasonable for you to contact your instructor late for the clinical absence. And, unfortunately combining that with a failure on an exam may well constitute a pattern to the instructor.

It is not okay to contact a fellow student for them to relay your absence.

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