Published Jun 29, 2018
3 Posts
I am a 29 year old part time student [working FT in the non-medical field] currently attending college and so far have completed my GE's. I can have completed most of my English, Math & Reading classes but NONE of the sciences.
I am so desperate to finish school due to my age, and have decided to apply for a private school, but it requires a Tease Vi (6) passing rate of 69% minimum.
I took organic chem last year, but had to drop because I couldn't keep up with the fast pace class. At this rate, if I take all the science classes listed above it will take me about 2 years to complete before I can apply to any ADN program. I just want to get into the program and move on to get a BSN.
I was wondering have any of you taken the TEAS 6 test, with NO SCIENCE Experience ? What's your input ? Do you think if I just study for the next 3 mos on my own, I can manage a score of 80% or above on the science section with no background on sci?
I currently have the Teas 5 ATI manual, Mometrix, and planning on buying the two practice tests from ATI.
Hoping I can take the test by Sept or Dec of 2018. Anything helps, please advise !!!!!! :)
71 Posts
The Science section of the TEAS has a lot of Anatomy & Physiology questions. I would HIGHLY recommend that you take AP before taking the teas and if you can't, then you will probably have a hard time on it unless you study hard.
Thank you for your response, I'm just trying to get into the program as quickly as possible. I did graduate as an LVN, but currently not working in the field. I went to a private school for my lvn as well, but my A&P were non transferable. Do you think that helps ?
Either way, just study hard because the science part was hard for me.
Thank you !
MikeeV, ASN
12 Posts
I'm planning on taking mine sometime next month. i talked to a girl who graduated from Grossmont's nursing program that she just used the manual from the ati website. I'm still freaking out about the exam as well and how in dept I'm needing to know the science portion.
There is one part that was wrong in the ati study manual. On the integumentary system, it said that "sweat is produced by sebaceous gland" but its the sudoriferious glands that produces sweat; sebaceous produces sebum.
My a&p book and google helped me a lot. I bought the ati practice exams and i'll be taking one of them and see which i need to improve on.
bitter_betsy, BSN
456 Posts
I don't really have an answer to your question, but I want to stop you and question your motives. Nothing in life is fast and easy. Fast or easy but not both. Typically worthless is in there somewhere also. I'm concerned as to why you are in such a hurry to apply when you don't have your sciences? Most programs will not accept you unless you have the majority of your sciences completed and have obtained certain grades in those courses. If there is a private school in this country that would accept you as a student without any sciences courses prior to matriculation I'd run!! In addition, you stated you had to drop organic chem because it was too fast paced. Organic chem will be a breeze compared to the pace of nursing school. These aren't courses that you can skip through thinking you will never see it again. Each of these courses builds on the next and they are the basis for the majority of your nursing knowledge. Remember when you were in high school algebra and you said "I'll never use this crap again"... dosage calculations are coming your way and all that algebra will hit you square in the face. Its all important. You want to save people's lives... you can't just show up to work and expect to do that after flying through school as quickly as possible. Even in the couple of years that they cram everything into - we are still so short on knowledge when we begin our days as "real" nurses and not students. Your age isn't a factor. You may think it is - but it really isn't. You want to walk out of school as an educated student ready to put your knowledge to use as a new nurse. Its crazy to think that you would be fully prepared the day after graduation, but you really won't be prepared if you don't put your full time and energy into learning this science course material. Take your time and do it right - there is no short cut.
Good Luck.
st96, ADN, BSN, RN
107 Posts
Personally, I don't think you should rush it because 1) the science portion on the TEAS is very heavy on Anatomy and Physiology, and 2) even if you don't want to take it now and instead transfer to a private school, I'm sure you're going to have to take all of those science classes before you begin the nursing program & before you graduate. With that being said, why not take your time and take all of your science classes for a more affordable cost rather than taking the same classes at a private school which would cost so much more?