TEAS V Score 93.3% - Study Advice

I recently decided to pursue a second bachelor's in nursing, which meant I needed to take the dreaded TEAS V. I scoured countless forums, read comment after comment and every review imaginable about the best ways to study, the best resources, what was helpful, etc. I spent a lot of time researching and felt like I ended up with a pretty solid approach to tackling the TEAS V. That being said, I decided to compile a list of what I found through all my research to hopefully aid other people in studying so we can all achieve those nursing dreams! Nursing Students TEAS Article


I took the TEAS V for the first time two days ago and found so much help through this site, I wanted to try and do the same. I was completely freaked out about it. I want to get a second bachelor's and I kept reading about how impacted schools are, so this test was a huge deal and only added to the pressure. I've been having nightmares the last few nights about my score and have been super stressed.

But there's no reason to feel that way! I am so happy to say that I scored an adjusted 93.3% with this breakdown

Reading - 85.2%
Math - 100%
Science - 95.8%
English - 96.7%

I signed up for the test about 10 days prior to taking it. I bought the ATI book and the Mometrix Secrets of the Teas. I started going through the ATI book and I'd do the practice problems in each section then I did both practice tests in the back.

✔️ I watched Kashwani on Youtube for the math (SUPER helpful and he is hilarious), he has TEAS V specific videos and goes through the ATI book with you, one page at a time:

✔️ I also used the forum on allnurses to put into a word document and make my own study guide from: How I Passed the TEAS V Exam - How I Passed the TEAS Exam

✔️ I used these practice tests: TEAS Reading Practice Test - Free TEAS V Practice

✔️ I also watched videos on Khan Academy for science topics that I needed refreshing on

(meiosis/mitosis, circulatory system, the kidney etc) and for some of the basic math (pre-algebra) for dividing decimals

✔️ I downloaded the Quizlet app on my phone and studied TEAS V flashcard sets when I was in bed and couldn't sleep or in the car

I purchased the practice test A from ATI and thought it was actually pretty hard. The first time I took it, I took my time and read the explanation for each answer I got wrong or any answers I was iffy on. It's really helpful because you start to understand the types of answers they're looking for and why the wrong answers were wrong even if you swore they were right. Even if you got the answer right, still read the explanation for why it was the right answer so you know what they're looking for for that type of question. Plus it's nice to get some experience taking the test on a computer since that's how the actual test is given. I reviewed everything I wrote down from the first time for a few days and took it the second time 2 days before the exam. The second time I took it, I timed myself to be sure I could complete it under the given time. I'm a fast test-taker in general, and on the actual exam I finished each section with at least 15 minutes to spare.

My practice test scores went:

First time

Overall: 78.7%
Reading: 92.9%
Math: 73.3%
Science: 66.7%
English 83.3%

Second time

Overall: 96.7%
Reading: 100%
Math: 96.7%
Science: 97.9%
English 90.0%

The practice results are just like the actual results. It gives you a breakdown of the sections in the ATI book that you need to focus more on to improve your score. Obviously I did better on the actual exam than the first practice (except in reading, which is weird. nerves for the first section maybe?) so if you don't do well on the practice, DON'T WORRY! As I said, I found it harder than the actual exam and it's amazing preparation.

I read several reviews where people said the science section was nothing like the ATI book, so I used the Mometrix to supplement that. I ended up with a 24 page study guide from the one in the all nurse forum and a 26 page study guide of just science from the Mometrix book. In total, I studied for about 10 hours each day for a week and once I took the test, I felt like I was really prepared. Maybe even over prepared. I knew the answers to a majority of the questions and felt like it was almost "too easy" compared to what I was expecting. I had to remind myself to read the questions and what they were asking for and not assume I knew the answer.

The reading sections on the actual exam are a bit longer than the practice, so if you're a slow reader you might run into some trouble with time. There were only a few reading passages though and the rest of the section after that is pretty quick so if you're getting short on time, don't fret. You can make it up towards the end of the section as that part won't take you as long.

The math portion was exactly like the practice one. Definitely know your fractions! On the practice test, I subtracted mixed numbers by subtracting the whole numbers separate from the fraction. I got the answer wrong and when I clicked for the explanation, it said "improper subtraction of mixed numbers" so I converted the mixed numbers into fractions, found the LCD and subtracted that way and got the right answer. I still don't know that rule, but I recommend always changing mixed numbers into fractions when you're adding/subtracting, better safe than sorry.

I found the science section on the practice test to be more challenging than the real science section. I found my questions were specific, but easy to where I either knew the answer or knew which answers were totally wrong and could pick by default. I also felt like the study guide from the forum was pretty spot on in terms of the topics you need to know.

The English section was a breeze, but I've always been really good at grammar. Don't forget to go over your parts of speech and English basics: verbs that act like nouns, subjects, homophones, similes, who/whom, etc. I forgot some of those things and had to reach deep into the depths of my brain to remember what it was!

I hope this is helpful and can calm some people's nerves who don't do well on the practice test and are scared for the actual test. My test center was awesome. I had headphones to cancel out noise and was in a corner cubicle so I wasn't distracted. Be sure to get there early, go to the bathroom beforehand, eat a good breakfast and try to get a good night's sleep.

Also my test results say program: ADN... I don't recall ever picking that as I want a BSN. I had a minor freakout and called ATI. She said it doesn't matter at all, it only changes the national percentiles on the results sheet, but it is the same test and the schools can change that if they want to (what a relief!).

If anyone has any questions or wants any other advice, I'd be happy to help as much as I can!

Can you tell me how hard is the reading section for the TEAS?

Specializes in general nurse.

I found this really helpful when I was preparing for the TEAS reading test