80% TEAS test, retake or no?


So I know everyone is going to say it depends on the school, but I'm applying to Washington State University's nursing program and they don't specify their average or anything. The only thing they say is, "Prospective students must score at the Proficient, Advanced, or Exemplary Level to be eligible for admission." I placed at advanced, but I only have a month before my scores must be received if I decide to retake it.

I go 92.9% in reading, 93.3% in math, 60.4% in science, and 80% on English usage.

So science really brought me down. :( I have a 3.98 GPA. ANY ADVICE?

Specializes in Hemodialysis.

Nice choice of school ,go cougs! I grew up in wa but live in cali now. I don't know how wsu will select their applicants but i got an 80 on my teas exam and i got into my adn program first try. I have seen several people post here about how if they don't get in they are planning on retaking the teas but i don't see a reason for that. All that matters is that you passed. Waste of money in my eyes when you got a passing score. now that i am already in the program and have talked to my professors the test gives them an idea on how successful you may be at passing the program. 80 is a good score.

First off, congrats on passing your TEAS!

I'm curious if you have thought of contacting their admissions office and posed the question to them. I'm confident that most schools must keep on hand information about their previous admission statistics. See if you can get something out of them (or find online) what the average TEAS scores are for those that were selected.

Also check for previous admission prospects here on Allnurses. A lot of prospective students create a forum to talk about upcoming admission dates and TEAS scores, etc. Perhaps you can get an idea of the TEAS scores from students in the forum.

My personal advice (if you cannot find the statistics you are looking for): If you can afford re-taking the TEAS, then get the study materials (check on-line for older and affordable books), pay for the exam, practice the areas where you didn't perform your best, and re-take the exam. Also, try reformatting your thought process: Is it better to pay $XX dollars for the exam, or will you be content with not making it and having to wait another 6 months before you can re-apply.

Good luck!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Since I like to avoid taking unnecessary risks, I'd keep that TEAS score and call it a day. A score of 80 is commendable and the majority of test takers do not achieve it. Good luck to you.

Thanks for all the responses guys! I just wish it wasn't so expensive, but everywhere around me it costs $80/90 to take it... So, I don't really feel like it's worth it. Plus I don't feel like I have enough time to really study the science section to improve my score. I guess I'll settle for the 80 and hope for the best! And AFNurse2b13 I think I will email them to see if I get those stats so I can make a more informed decision (:

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