TEAS TEST- Need help for English


Hello Everyone,

I just took the Teas test and passed my Science and Maths. I scored very low on the English. Can anybody give me any tips. I did especially bad with sentence structure,Grammar,paragraph comprehension,inferences and conclusions.passage comprehension. English is a second language to me. Can anybody offer any tips etc. I read and understand but still cant get it. Thanks for your responses.

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Most community colleges offer basic english writing and grammar classes. That would probably be the best thing for you to do.

Hello,I will be taking the test on Dec 12 . What do you remember?

I remember quite a few annoying questions that did not make much sense. Is this ur first time taking the test ?

Yes, this is my first time.

This would be my third time. My Reading and Comprehension scores just refuse to go up. When do u plan on taking it ?

Here's a fun one I love, since I tutor English grammar too :devil:...

Knowing the differences among these words: That, which, who. Who vs. whom. whose vs. who's. Independent clauses, subordinate clauses, dependent clauses, multiple predicates with subjects and their simples, run-ons and fragments, and when to use among and between. verb conjugations in different subject and verb forms (SVA), hint: everything must agree:nono:! Fun ones are the punctuations like semicolons, and those cool, crazy comma rules! Don't forget the correct usages of subject pronouns, and what they change to in direct and indirect object instances, especially with verb combinations:jester:. Oh! and don't forget to use your articles! They're our friends:D!

Man I love English grammar. Here's a fun fact! Most American songs and media have horrible grammar which make my ears bleed so bad! Reading fine literature is a best way to improve your grammar skills, especially with verbs!

Stop butchering those innocent verbs!

Well, good luck!

Here's a fun one I love, since I tutor English grammar too :devil:...

Knowing the differences among these words: That, which, who. Who vs. whom. whose vs. who's. Independent clauses, subordinate clauses, dependent clauses, multiple predicates with subjects and their simples, run-ons and fragments, and when to use among and between. verb conjugations in different subject and verb forms (SVA), hint: everything must agree:nono:! Fun ones are the punctuations like semicolons, and those cool, crazy comma rules! Don't forget the correct usages of subject pronouns, and what they change to in direct and indirect object instances, especially with verb combination:jester:. Oh! and don't forget to use your articles! They're our friends:D!

Man I love English grammar. Here's a fun fact! Most American songs and media have horrible grammar which make my ears bleed so bad! Reading fine literature is a best way to improve your grammar skills, especially with verbs!

Stop butchering those innocent verbs!

Well, good luck!

OMG you just made my head spin! I am thinking I did not pay enough attention in grade school! I have always had a high reading level(12th grade level when I was in 6th grade...), however sentence structure makes my head spin! I have never understood predicates, clauses, or conjugations! My teachers would get so mad at me because I could figure out how to write the sentence correctly but please dont make me label all those things! It was like I knew what they wanted I just didn't know why it was right... ummmmmm does that make any sence?!?!?

Right on! It's ok, no one is going to make you do those fun things, but you will need to know some for the TEAS exam. I guarantee you 100% that there are questions that deal with those topics.

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