Hi All,
I'm new here. I'm currently a pre-nursing student in Indiana.
I found you all because I did exactly what I swore I wasn't going to do, lol. I opened my TEAS prep manual before I finished studying for this semester's finals and FREAKED.
So exactly how extensive is the physics and chemistry on the test? Can I get by with some serious study this summer, or should I take some intro classes? Dummy me, I took a whole year of biology in high school, instead of one semester of biology and one of chemistry like everyone else. And that was twenty years ago!
I am one exam done from completing A&P I, and an two assignments and an exam for Intermediate Algebra. We had one chapter on cell chemistry in A&P I, and there was a little chemistry in the chapter on the nervous system.
I have also taken medical terminology and an abbreviated anatomy course in the past.That and a seventh grade accelerated chemistry course I took many moons ago is the extent of my exposure to chemistry. I have had very little exposure to physics.
If I want to be considered for 2006, I have to have my TEAS completed by December of 2005. I will have all of my required gen eds done by spring of 2006.I have two chances to take the test. Should I study the guide and chance it this summer? My advisor really recommends that I take the test between June and September so I can retest if I need to.
The average score for those who make it into the nursing program at this school is 83. A science score of 60% is a must to make it in the program.I'm not too worried about the reading and comprehension courses. That seems to be my strongest area.
Did any of you find any other sources helpful besides the pre-test study manual?
This is a great site, by the way:) I look forward to getting to know everyone here.