Published Apr 22, 2016
12 Posts
I am completely done with prerequisites. I have applied to only two programs so far, and got my first rejection letter. My stats: took TEAS V twice, highest score was a 74% (Not good at all) and my prerequisite GPA is 3.67.
I am literally in tears because as I am reading more and more about requirements for different nursing schools, some seem so out of reach! I knew this field was competitive but I am gaining more and more frustration and stress as I realize it is going to be pretty tough to get into nursing school.
I worked my butt off for this and I thought I wanted it so bad!! I know deep down I still do and I have to remind myself why I am doing this, but this whole process really has me feeling every single emotion. I am on the verge of tears because I just want to get in SOMEWHERE.
I think the application process and applying to different programs really has me on my toes, and I know I can't be the only one feeling this way. It's like one minute I'm excited and happy that I finished my pre-reqs and the next minute I'm questioning if this is for me because it seems like my hard work wasn't as good as I thought. . . I haven't even been accepted into a program yet and I am feeling so overwhelmed with emotion. Will I be good enough for this? Can I do this?
I am one of the most positive people, and I am usually the one encouraging others but this process has me flipped upside down. I know I am GOOD enough but these rejection letters really stab my self confidence.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
Think how good it will feel when you get in and graduate. It is difficult for a reason. Part of nursing school is "are you willing to take the pain". Jumping through hoops is as much a part of it as the actual school. Do not be dissuaded by it. Smile and say..ok..what next. You will see on here MANY people complaining about this and does not matter. Either you do it or you don't do it. The requirements are not going to change. Remember "wanting" and "doing" are two different things. When new requirements and complete the task. I swear for me 90% of school is mindset. For me there was no option except navigating school successfully. You can do it.
Thank you so much for your words. I have always had the "Get it done" mentality but this process is pretty emotional. I appreciate you taking the time to reply, it brought me to tears because I envisioned myself at the finish line. One day I will be there and you are right, it's going to feel so good. This moment in time, the uncertainty of which program will accept me is a bit of a roller coaster ride but it is temporary. I agree with you on mentality, I am learning it is super important to keep your head straight in any circumstance. Thank you for your insight, it is appreciated x100.
You will make it. It is very emotional. Nursing school was truly one of the most challenging times of my life. Stay positive. Embrace the challenge. Some of the requirements may seem goofy or pointless. They are not. They are teaching you to complete the mission no matter what. When you are a nurse you will have doctors ordering things you will think are still need to do them and do them at an A level. They fact that you care and are working hard will serve you well when you become an RN!
My mother says the same thing about Nursing school, it was one of the hardest things she's had to do. I believe that 100%. I will keep your advice in mind, especially embracing challenges. That can be hard for anyone but hard work pays off, I have seen that firsthand.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Try not to take it personally. Schools are not rejecting YOU - they don't even know you. There are just too many other applicants with better qualifications than yours. If you're want to put in some additional effort, I would encourage you to increase your TEAS score. Due to rampant grade inflation, programs are placing much more emphasis on standardized test scores.
Banana nut, BSN, RN, EMT-B
316 Posts
If you look into private nursing schools you will have a great chance of getting in. They can be costly but if you are willing to take on the debt it may mean getting into a program faster.
Best of Luck to you!
I GOT IN and start this August! Thank you all for the encouraging words!
288 Posts
Congratulations!! You definitely earned it!! Good luck!
224 Posts
Yayy!! Now you can continue to stay positive and believe in yourself to get through this program!