Team leader assignment

Nursing Students General Students


Final semester. We are each going to be assigned a day (actually I think 2 days) during clinical to practice the "team leader" role. This is for a grade. There's a whole long list of objectives to meet, but the gist of it is that the team leader student is to get there early, make the pt assignments for each fellow student, make morning rounds on all the patients who will have a student, make rounds again later to make sure that each patient's needs are being met, troubleshoot, etc., probably a bunch of stuff I forgot.

Er, I'm scared! I'm not a very assertive or confident person to begin with and have no idea how to project myself as a halfway decent leader, even if it's in an environment with instructor backup. No idea how to make pt assignments. We're supposed to get there a half hour early...I would think I would need to be there MUCH earlier to have a chance to look over the patient census and make determinations. I realize I will probably find out more about what this will be like when the time comes, but it's just kind of scary. I want to do a good job, but this is just 101% out of my comfort zone. Anybody had this experience and what was it like?

Yeah, I was team leader for a day and it was the most boring clinical day. I tried to keep busy, but most of the time I was just standing around not doing anything. I would undoubtedly have learned more if I'd had my own patients to take care of.

That's what I'm afraid will happen - that I will end up standing around uselessly! And that I will pester my team members too much - Do you need anything? Need help? How about now? How about now? :lol2:

On day 2 I will have one patient of my own and the other students will have three, so that could make it interesting.

That's what I'm afraid will happen - that I will end up standing around uselessly! And that I will pester my team members too much - Do you need anything? Need help? How about now? How about now? :lol2:

On day 2 I will have one patient of my own and the other students will have three, so that could make it interesting.

LOL Yeah, that's exactly how I was. At one point I even said to my classmate, "Are you sure you don't want me to get you a drink of water?" I wasn't afraid of pestering my classmates, but I was more afraid of the fact that to the nurses and staff, it just looked like I wasn't doing anything besides parading the hallways with a clipboard in hand and talking to my classmates. :p

I guess I was parading around with a clipboard part of the time! :lol2: So glad it's over. I was able to offer help - this floor has more total-care patients than I've seen before. Did my little presentation at the end of today, too. I feel good about it overall. It wasn't as bad as I was imagining it would be at the beginning of the semester when we were first told about this assignment. Whew.

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