Published Jan 30, 2005
akcarmean, LPN
1,554 Posts
I am and LPN right now. I am currently in school for my ADN in business.
My goals are to be an RN, get my BSN, and MSN. I want to have the options to be an administrator or a teacher. I have a back that acts up and if it ever makes it where it's hard to be on my feet all day long I want options to do something else and stay in the field I Love.
Do I need a BSN in management
What are the requirements are their for the teacher part?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BeenThereDoneThat74, MSN, RN
1,941 Posts
i am and lpn right now. i am currently in school for my adn in business. my goals are to be an rn, get my bsn, and msn. i want to have the options to be an administrator or a teacher. i have a back that acts up and if it ever makes it where it's hard to be on my feet all day long i want options to do something else and stay in the field i i need a bsn in managementwhat are the requirements are their for the teacher part?
my goals are to be an rn, get my bsn, and msn. i want to have the options to be an administrator or a teacher. i have a back that acts up and if it ever makes it where it's hard to be on my feet all day long i want options to do something else and stay in the field i love.
do i need a bsn in management
what are the requirements are their for the teacher part?
i'm confused. are you planning to get your rn degree, or business degree or both? if your not getting your associates degree (if it's a business degree, then it's probably not an adn) in nursing, are you planning to get your bs in nursing?
as for the teaching part, it really depends on where you live and work. in ny, despite the shortage, you need an msn to teach (doctoral stringly preferred, esp. in bsn programs). even as an adjunct (unless you have connections). you will find some who are teaching with a bsn. in ny, some colleges won't even take you unless your msn is in education.
you really need to check out job postings in your ares, to see what the minimum requirements are.
10 Articles; 19,045 Posts
check out your states practice act "nursing education" or "faculty requirements" too so you can plan appropriately.
here's pa regs:
faculty and staff requirements for baccalaureate and associate degree programs.
Thank you guys
2 Posts
The answer to this question can get a bit complicated but please feel free to send me an email. I will share with you the ins and outs of the various practice acts - as well as the exceptions to the rules.
Peace. Dan