Teaching project BLUES..HELP!


hello to my fellow nurses,:nurse:

i'm currently enrolled in community health course for a bsn program. i have a major project that is majority of my grade for the course. i have to create a teaching project/lesson plan. i'm not much of a public speaker,i let my nerves get in the darn way..lol:eek:. it can be anything r/t public health, such as obesity,oral health,htn,smoking cessation,nutrition.. and etc.i'm so lost ,i dont even know where to start.i really want to get my audience involved(middle school students), so i was thinking a teaching plan/groupactivity that pretty much gets everyone involved without me have to do so much of teaching or presenting.does anyone have any good resources,topics,past experience,websites or advice?? it would be greatly appreciated;)

blessings to all:redbeathe

Specializes in Infectious Disease, Neuro, Research.

An excellent model is Seattle's pub-ed campaign in the early-mid 1990s, to essentially train the entire region in CPR.

Know your audience. Are they interested in learning and are they interactive? Some demographics are, some are not. If possible, get your plan together, and call the principal or teacher and discuss how they think it will be received.

Adolescents like to be "The Hero", and like having knowledge others do not. I'm neuro, so I'm partial to stroke. Its hard to get people excited about curing fat-orifice and brushing their teeth.:D

"How many of you have a family member who has had a stroke?"

"Do you know how to tell if someone has had a stroke?"

"If you can give this information to 911, it may help save that person's life by making sure they receive the best treatment as soon as possible."



You can print these(or save to disc/zip), and get them laminated into pocket cards at Office Depot for probably less than $15. Handouts are always cool.


FAST is quick, easy, easy to present, and can be as interactive as you want.

Edit: T (time) also means the last time the person was known to be "normal", for teaching purposes. you're trying to see if they qualify for TPA.

I teach first aide to the local 4-H kids. It is interactive and it is simple. find and use things that they would have with them or excess to. Such as: baking soda paste is good for bee stings. have them make the paste and apply it to each other. A group of the kids I teach are rodeo kids, so I got a bandana and called it a cowboy first aide kit. Showed them ways to use it to help themselves and others. If you are hot, wet it and place it around your neck, made a sling out of it. etc.. You get where I am going with it. Understand your young auidence make it fun and I promise you they will not notice if you get tongue tied.

I did Diabetic earthquake/ 72 hour emergency kits, lots of props and posters helped the jitters.

That sounds cool abbie0!!:cool:!! Whats was the age group of your audience? Can you elaboborate more on the activity and props you utilized? Thanks a bunch

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