TCC's Fall 2014 program hopeful with a slice of quarterlife crisis.


Hi all, I'm starting school in August to get the pre-reqs out of the way. (seems like this is the norm) I'm optimistically hoping to get in Fall of 2014. Anyone in the same boat? Also anyone completely change their career in their mid 20s?

After HS I started going to a trade school for massage therapy and after graduating I started teaching at the institute. A few years of this and I was needing more cashflow so I went into real estate. While I love RE I really wanted to go back to school for my dream to be a nurse. This dream only occurred to me once I was a MT but never thought it was possible to go back to school bc I was still paying off student loans. Anyhow, I'm now 25 and finally going to college with great support from my husband. While I realize I'm not old by any means I still feel ancient compared to the 18yos that I applied with. Any advice, tips for going back to school?

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Your life experiences will often put you miles ahead of those students who are just out of high school. It's a good thing, trust me. :) I went back to school at 29 to become a paramedic, and back again at 35 for my ADN/RN. I valued those two Associates degrees more than the liberal arts Associates I earned at age 19, probably partially because I was paying the bill and also because these were big goals for me. Best of luck to you in your program!

Specializes in Hospice.

Oh mah GAH, child. You are but a wee one. I start the Rappahannock Community College RN program next month after more than two years of pre reqs. I'll be 50 just six days before classes start! I only wish I had done this when I was your age. On Blackboard everyone was supposed to introduce themselves, and so far I am the oldest (of those with the nerve to put their age there), and most, I would say 90% are in their early to mid twenties, You will fit right in! People go back to school at all ages. :yes:

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