

Ok I was originally born in Croatia Europe and moved here when I was 9 in 1996. While living in Croatia I was exposed to TB and my TB results always come up positive but I have always had a clear x-ray. Its dormant in me I guess since I was exposed.

Is this going to be an issue with getting accepted into the nursing program???? I am reading the instructions for the acceptance into the program for my college and it states you need a negative result on your TB, WELL i ALWAYS get positive and then have to do an X ray...AM I GOING TO GET ACCEPTED??????? IM WORRIED NOW!!!


Specializes in Emergency Department.

While I can't speak for your program, generally speaking, a positive TB PPD test with a clear CXR means you're clear of active TB. That specific combo should be all you need for entry to school from that aspect of things.

Thank you thats exactly what Im hoping!! :)

I have a clear xray each time..Its been a hastle for me for years and years but I just wanted to make sure I would be able to still apply and get accepted.

If you have a positive skin test but a clear x-ray, you should be fine. Contact your school's nursing program for the most accurate information.

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