Published Aug 3, 2008
22 Posts
Hello all,
I am currently working on getting into nursing school.
In my previous career as a hairdresser, it didn't matter that I had tattoos or burgundy hair. I understand that the healthcare field is much more conservative. I can change my hair color to a 'natural' color, that's not problem, but I do have large (and beautiful, in my opinion- a peacock and the other is an angel in full color) tattoos on my biceps. I am thinking that if I wear a uniform with a half or 3/4 sleeve, that will cover them.
So, I'd love to hear from other nurses who have tatoos and hear about their experience.
Do you think that standard will change in time, since so many young people are getting tattoos these days?
48 Posts
I have a bicep tatt, but I cover it at work. My coworkers are generally OK with it, but you never know what the patients might think. I don't think that standards will ever change-- there are some strong cultural taboos, Jewish and Japanese for example.
2 Posts
i have a tattoo on my ankle, its not that visible, but still. have never had problems with that. i am sure its not a good idea to demonstrate it to patients, but if its coverd with clothes - who cares :) so dont stress yourself out about it :)
25 Posts
My nursing school required all tattoos to be covered during clinicals.
1,714 Posts
Same with mine - all tattoos must be covered during clinicals, although you may see nurses at work with some visible depending on organizational culture and region of the country. I have two classmates with several visible tattoos down to their wrists, they just had to wear long sleeved shirts under their scrubs year round. Burgundy hair may be OK, as long as it's in a natural hair color range, but if it's more like purple they may ask you to color it.
10 Posts
Same with mine - all tattoos must be covered during clinic --- - ---- -- -- ---- -- --- -- ---- -- -- -- ----- --ut if it's more like purple they may ask you to color it.
I agree with unsightly themes are just usually covered . Not to sound critical , but a tattoo along with many cultures -(such as Japanese)- are consigned along with darker persistance in life; not taken on by younger generations today though the act may have long reaching signification. As may tombstones and the respect of them from years past. You see , you come about with a chance too remove such a beautiful thing from youself and it may be less resistance for your own passage.::::::...................:jester:OPEN-Minded on tighe