TAMU Round Rock ABSN Fall 2024

Applicant thread for TAMU ABSN program


Howdy! I haven't seen a thread for 2024 applicants, so I thought I would start one! Feel free to comment anything. I just like to hear from other people to calm my nerves about getting in. I am a current public health major at Texas A&M - College Station. I am graduating in May!

I got my decision letter today!!

nur3e said:

I got my decision letter today!!

Me too!

nursingro said:

Me too!

How did you do!! I got accepted

nur3e said:

How did you do!! I got accepted

I did also!! Congratulations!

hey!! I did also 🙂 congrats yall! 

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To create a special place for your cohort:

1.   Create a student "Club" for your cohort by clicking on the "Breakroom/Clubs" link under "Communities" at the top of any page in the upper left on desktop or "Breakroom" under "SpecialSections" in the upper right on mobile.

2.   Click "Start a Breakroom Club".

3.   Invite members at your discretion.

You may post social or mobile application links once in a private group. Keep in mind, clubs will not be moderated, unless a member reports an issue.

Thank you for being a part of the allnurses community.

Hey y'all! I created a FB for y'all to join. Here is the link https://www.facebook.com/share/rcLHgGDp9NxkZJVd/?mibextid=K35XfP

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