Nurses Announcements Archive
Published Jun 18, 2005
20 Posts
I really need some encouragement now...
I am taking pathopysiology this summer along with chemistry in a six week semester.
The problem is that they are both science classes, and additionally I have to take care of my daughter family household etc...
Basically what I'm saying is that I would like to get some positive feedback of others who managed to take both classes in the summer and were still able to accomplish A's on both courses, and what you did to achieve that, meaning studying habits, anything that is related to these classes.
I appreciate anybody with some advise,
Thank you Ginger
GrnHonu99, RN
1,459 Posts
I really need some encouragement now...I am taking pathopysiology this summer along with general chemistry in a six week semester.The problem is that they are both science classes, and additionally I have to take care of my daughter family household etc...Basically what I'm saying is that I would like to get some positive feedback of others who managed to take both classes in the summer and were still able to accomplish A's on both courses, and what you did to achieve that, meaning studying habits, anything that is related to these classes.I appreciate anybody with some advise, Thank you Ginger
I am taking pathopysiology this summer along with general chemistry in a six week semester.
here is some positive feedback for you. I am in an accelerated masters of nursing program AND im still finishing up my pre nursing classes are 6 weeks is what im taking
AP2-9weeks pre req
Micro-9 weeks pre req
Pathophys-6 weeks masters course
Pharmacology-6 weeks masters course
Prof. Roles and Issues-6 weeks masters course
Heath Assessment-12 weeks masters
Nursing Skills Lab-6 weeks masters
Assessment Lab-12 weeks masters
Med Admin Lab-6 weeks masters
did i mention im taking these all at once?? lol....i dont have kids and i dont work but school takes up EVERY second of my day...i am making strait A's though, well so just finished up AP2 and Micro TODAY:) thank goodness...i still have one more quarter of AP to go but atleast I will only have to go to my other pre req school 2ce a week instead of 4 times a week...
i never thought i could handle it...but it seems the more they heap on the more determined I become...i know this sounds cheesy but you really can do anything you set your mind just have to want it enough!
If you want any help in patho I have some great rescources!!!
oh by the way, a note on patho...if you did well in micro and AP you will be fine in patho...AP+micro=pathophys...:) its amazing, since im taking the concurrently i actually notice how much of patho really builds on those two subjects....lucky for me I learned what we covered in patho right after i had learned it in AP and glad im taking them all at give me a definete advantage over those students in my class who havent had those classes in years!
243 Posts
AP2-9weeks pre reqMicro-9 weeks pre reqPathophys-6 weeks masters coursePharmacology-6 weeks masters courseProf. Roles and Issues-6 weeks masters courseHeath Assessment-12 weeks mastersNursing Skills Lab-6 weeks mastersAssessment Lab-12 weeks mastersMed Admin Lab-6 weeks masterse some great rescources!!! [/QOUTE]Thanks ELKMNin06for your positive feedback, knowing that I should'nt freak out that much about these two classes, it could've been worse.After I read my own posting again, a couple of days later, I realized that the Nursing program will be even way more harder, so I better get my act together now .Thanks again, you are truly an inspiration for meGinger
e some great rescources!!! [/QOUTE]
Thanks ELKMNin06
for your positive feedback, knowing that I should'nt freak out that much about these two classes, it could've been worse.
After I read my own posting again, a couple of days later, I realized that the Nursing program will be even way more harder, so I better get my act together now .
Thanks again, you are truly an inspiration for me