Taking anatomy during the summer??


So I'm trying to apply for my community college's LVN program and I have to take anatomy and physiology. Luckily theyre broken up into 2 classes so I'm thinking of taking anatomy during the summer and physiology for fall.

Is this a good idea?

Ive taken anatomy and physiologyI in fall 2014 at a CSU and passed with a C. I already know it's a hard class and how it's like but I feel like taking just the anatomy portion might be easier? I won't be working so it'll just be that class I'll be focusing on.

Let me me know your opinions please!!

I took both and micro all at the same time in the summer.

It really depends on you. If you're good at those kinds of classes go for it! When i took it anatomy was mostly memorize and identify so it wasn't that stressful.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

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