Published Feb 26, 2016
15 Posts
Pharmacists aren't medicine coordinators.
Podiatrists aren't feet carers.
So why do nurses get assigned all of these cryptic titles?
I'm a Nurse. Not a care coordinator, nor a facility manager, nor a care manager, nor a nurse manager. I'm a nurse. My title is Nurse.
I just came across this awesome article highlighting the gradual decay in clarity of our title over the past few years. In particular within aged and community care.
It's a must read, and certainly has me changing my thinking about these cryptic titles we're being assigned.
The article is here: 'Nurse' - Why We Must Preserve Our Title'
I implore you to share and broadcast it widely!
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
This goes along with many threads about doctor's offices calling anyone who works there a "nurse", without having a single actual nurse on staff. Or not acknowledging the National Nurse's Day as being ​for nurses, because others might feel left out.
iluvivt, BSN, RN
2,774 Posts
That goes along with everyone winning a trophy or a metal! if you want something then go earn it and let those that have and continue to work in this profession have their hard earned title back!