Topics About 'Transcultural Nursing'.

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Found 15 results

  1. My instructor said, Mr. Fernando...And I said who was that again ma'am? She repeated it, Mr. Fernando. The only thing I said to my instructor was "thank you so much and remember with a crocodile smile..." The moment I looked at the patient's chart, I...
  2. Without Words

    Oftentimes food and drink bought in so the patient doesn't have to suffer through the horrors of hospital gruel. Some are even lucky enough to have a family member bring in their own pajamas, clothes or toiletries. But Yin, well, Yin had nothing. Eve...
  3. This particular hospital had a "call bell" system in place for the ER. After the regular ER crew left for the night, a patient would ring the "doorbell" in the back to summon service. The bell would buzz abruptly in the nurses' station to let us know...
  4. Navajo Nation in the 1970s

    I remember being on one evening when the EMTs brought me a man on a gurney who was known to us. He was being Sung over for his illness. I mid-1970s that the Medicine Man had said to bring him to the hospital because "He needs some IV fluids". We "tan...
  5. Justhere

    My Little Mandona

    When I first began working with Baby he didn't have very many words in his vocabulary but did alot of pointing and grunting. Needless to say those that know me, know that I would talk to the wall if it would talk back. So I was going to get this litt...
  6. For those who don't live in leukemia/lymphoma world, this is a rare type of lymphoma that presents with open weeping, bleeding difficult to heal skin lesions anywhere on the body. The only definitive treatment for these sores is chemo followed by a t...
  7. A Nurse Is a Nurse

    In 1997, after finishing school, I set off with my brother to visit nursing schools, in England. At first, I had no plans to leave Ireland, I was just attempting to satisfy my school that I was filling out all the right applications and that I was se...
  8. And yet, somehow while caring for these individuals, I always found a way to communicate, a way to see the individual as unique, a way to value them for who they are. These people helped me identify my purpose as a nurse: to cross all boundaries, cul...
  9. Our clinical instructor asked us who would like to do these two-bed baths. One was an assist, one was complete. I jumped at the chance to do the complete bed bath. I wanted this first experience to be done and over with! My partner and I got picked t...
  10. No Hablo EspaƱol

    But what about patients that are so stubborn and will not give an inch to nurses who are really trying to please them? I will never forget one little beautiful and a very old woman who had a Hispanic background. She never learned to speak English, as...
  11. Gotta Love Transcultural Nursing

    Not knowing how to speak Arabic & dealing with a totally different from my liberated but reserve culture was tough but was a challenge for me. After two years & three months of having lived & worked there, I embraced their culture beyond ...
  12. Growing up in Boston Chinatown, I was bused to a high school in a predominately African American community. My friends and I were attacked by Irish teenagers in South Boston. I know what it is like to be different and how it feels to be treated based...
  13. For whatever reason, they didn't go, because within a couple hours the sick woman was called into the room where I was assisting one of the nurses. Her daughter, in her early 20s, followed. The weakened woman, in her second term of pregnancy, was als...
  14. Dirty Skylights and Scraped Chins

    Similarly, though we interact with our fellow man each day, we often pass by each other with thoughts in our minds stereotyping each other; we see only the "bugs" and "rain" without listening and allowing others to share the beauty in their hearts an...
  15. How About... a HUMAN CULTURE

    He and I often discuss that religion and cultural titles are often used interchangeably as descriptions, it has lead to some insightful understandings and meaningful conversations. I often find myself proudly exclaiming these descriptions to people w...