Topics About 'Oncology Nursing'.

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Found 9 results

  1. SoldierNurse22

    Little Brother

    It was a story I'd seen before: 19-year-old airman, T-cell lymphoma, air evac'd from overseas after a plethora of symptoms led to the discovery of his cancer .I headed boldly into the room, my orientee close behind me. A young black male, no older th...
  2. Despite advances in cancer treatment that have led to higher rates of survival after treatment, the medical approach has continued to treat a patient with a disease, and though the disease often goes into remission, a patient remains. Helping cancer ...
  3. I knew as a young child I wanted to work in the medical field. When I was 14yrs I was aware I would be called to be a nurse. I did not go straight to college after high school, instead, I decided to get married and have children. I began my career pa...
  4. SoldierNurse22

    No More May Die

    The oncology fellow--a tall, wiry Navy doctor--was speaking to my patient's sons. Dr. Clark was strangely aloof, his eyes meeting everything but the eyes of the men before him, his gaze shifting constantly to avoid the uncomfortable topic that their ...
  5. Communication Chaos!

    I had been assured by my colleagues who had recruited me to the unit as well as the head nurse on our unit that the fact that I had no oncology experience and that I was not chemotherapy certified were only minor issues...unless I had the unfortunate...
  6. SoldierNurse22

    Down to Sleep

    I remember one day when you were receiving blood. I went into the room with your primary nurse to double-verify. You were sitting on the couch, that same smile greeting us as we entered. "Let's get the good stuff running, sir." I said. "Is it good st...
  7. SoldierNurse22

    Deep In The Dark

    "Mrs. R? Which room?" I asked in return. "Room four." Ms. O, a plump, pleasant woman of African origins, replied. Her thick accent and tendency to say things with a smile seemed to smooth a much-needed salve over my less-than-lovely evening. The onco...
  8. SoldierNurse22

    The Fifteen

    I didn't ask to be an oncology nurse. I had no real interest in oncology at all, but a friend of mine who is a leukemia survivor was assigned to go initially, and when he requested a reassignment, I was sent in his stead. My experiences on my ward wo...
  9. A fungating (malignant) wound is a mass of cancerous tissue that is spreading under the skin and eventually infiltrates the outside layer of cells, breaking through the skin surface to create a wound. There is the potential for massive skin damage, w...