Topics About 'Nurse Heroes'.

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Found 8 results

  1. Much has been made and said about heroes in the past weeks. In the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more true than ever before that heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and professions. Whether it’s the people stocking the shelves at your favorite g...
  2. The nursing profession is brimming with larger-than-life nurse heroes. The kind of nurse heroes who advocate and bring change to local, regional and even global communities. The kind of nurse heroes who bravely serve our country and who save lives du...
  3. As part of our pinning ceremonies in nursing school, we all probably remember reciting the Nightingale Pledge, a modified "Hippocratic Oath" composed in 1893 by Mrs. Lystra E. Gretter and a Committee for the Farrand Training School for Nurses, Detroi...
  4. ER Nurses. Read This!

    After circling the drain with compassion fatigue, I stumbled upon this article that was published in the ACEP: read it and tell me you don't feel proud! Guest Editorial ACEP News September 2006 By David F. Baehren, M.D. For a generation or two, we ha...
  5. Finding My Spark

    InspirationIn the nursing profession, it is easy to find inspiration every shift. The work that nurses perform on a day to day basis is nothing short of a miracle. Not to mention that the majority of our nursing colleagues are wonderful, caring peopl...
  6. Intangible Nurse Superpowers

    OB/GYN nursing is not for me. After living the delivery experience twice with my own children, I nearly fainted when I watched a birth during my clinical rotations in nursing school. A CNM, however, showed me exactly the type of nurse that I wanted t...
  7. There has been a lot of talk about the amazing, dedicating, and hard-working ER and ICU nursing teams during the COVID-19 health crisis in the United States. Through the media, we are hearing the stories of the ER and ICU nurses working long, sometim...
  8. jeastridge

    Nurses and Ebola

    Ebola is back in the headlines. With a new outbreak that has spread beyond the borders of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) into neighboring Uganda, fear has spread along with it. As the local communities in the DRC work diligently to halt the s...