Topics About 'Nurse Writer'.

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Found 9 results

  1. tnbutterfly - Mary

    A Published Writer???? Who....ME???

    Do you like to write? Sure, we've all written papers for school, maybe even tried our hand at poetry, but have you ever pictured yourself being a published writer? A published writer???? Who me??? You may have a journal or a personal blog. But have y...
  2. My Book inspirationAt my job, working closely with our nurse residency program, and before that as a nurse manager, it saddened me that many wonderful nurses fail to land the job they want solely because they do not know how to present themselves in ...
  3. Elizabeth Hanes

    How To Get Started As A Nurse Writer

    I field a lot of questions from nurses about how to break into freelance writing. I always enjoy interacting with my fellow nurses and helping them get started in a new career as a writer. I thought I'd share my best tips and advice here. Here is a p...
  4. tnbutterfly - Mary

    So You Want to Be Published: Just Do It!

    Last year at the AACN National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition (NTI), I had the opportunity to interview Mary Fran Tracy, Editor of the AACN Advanced Critical Care Journal and a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Universit...
  5. At Home Office Essentials for Freelance Writers

    When I began writing from home, I had a sluggish ten year old laptop and my tiny desk was shared with my less than organized husband, the conditions were not ideal. The funny part is, at the start, I didn't even realize what I needed to be more effic...
  6. Brenda F. Johnson

    Word Love; My Writing Journey

    After my high school graduation in 1983, I got married to my high school sweetheart and we moved from Florida to Clarksville, TN. He was in the Army and that is where we were stationed and where we began our lives together. Being away from family and...
  7. Persons who regularly engage in creative writing, whether it involves simple memoranda, formal business reports, articles, short stories, novels, or dramatic works, supposedly possess the requisite skills for clarity, conciseness, logical structure, ...
  8. Nurse Beth

    How I Became a Nurse Writer

    I've always enjoyed writing. I love words. Last summer I was home from work, laid up with a back injury. One morning while on Twitter, a Twitter friend of mine (and nurse blogger) asked, "Beth, when are you going to start blogging?" Later that day, m...
  9. Elizabeth Hanes

    How Freelance Writing Works

    When I talk about freelance writing, I'm talking about making a living as a writer. I'm not talking about writing fiction or poetry. It's tough to make a living at those. I like to break down the field of freelance writing this way... There are two m...