Topics About 'Nurse Retirement'.

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Found 5 results

  1. Retirement When?

    Passing visitors in the hall at my place of employment in long-term care with a confident, brisk gait-leaves not doubt I am "head nurse" for the evening, and very proud of it. Yes, my knees creak when I bend and any task kneeling on the floor is out ...
  2. AWARENESS is the first step before you can take any kind of action. If you don't know what you need, you won't know what action to take. There are always signs that indicate you are ready for change but sometimes we miss them, disregard them, misinte...
  3. Retirement Bliss

    Retirement, is something we dream about and look forward to for many years. I'm here to say it isn't really all it's cracked up to be. In fact for me it was quite miserable and resulted in depression, as absolutely nothing could fill the huge void th...
  4. Carol Ebert

    Network or Die!

    Meeting new patients and colleagues, listening to learn more about who they are, serving them without expecting any payback, checking in on them regularly to see how they are doing, sharing your expertise, providing them with resources for whatever t...
  5. Sometimes change can sneak up on you and smack you in the face. But sometimes you are more than ready and willing but aren't quite sure how to transition into your next life phase. I didn't really have a plan when I moved into the retirement zone so ...