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Found 13 results

  1. Elizabeth Hanes

    How To Get Started As A Nurse Writer

    I field a lot of questions from nurses about how to break into freelance writing. I always enjoy interacting with my fellow nurses and helping them get started in a new career as a writer. I thought I'd share my best tips and advice here. Here is a p...
  2. tnbutterfly - Mary

    So You Want to Be Published: Just Do It!

    Last year at the AACN National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition (NTI), I had the opportunity to interview Mary Fran Tracy, Editor of the AACN Advanced Critical Care Journal and a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Universit...
  3. traumaRUs

    Notes from an Entrepreneur

    Denetra Hampton, MHSA, BSN, RN is a nursing entrepreneur who has built an educational empire consisting of a start-up that focuses on bridging the gap between nursing education and technology. She has also developed a digital magazine as well as a nu...
  4. At Home Office Essentials for Freelance Writers

    When I began writing from home, I had a sluggish ten year old laptop and my tiny desk was shared with my less than organized husband, the conditions were not ideal. The funny part is, at the start, I didn't even realize what I needed to be more effic...
  5. Maureen Bonatch MSN

    Unexpected Side Effects from the Side Gig

    A side gig is something you do to add to your income in addition to your regular job. Having a side gig has become more common with many people cashing in on a variety of things. The new endeavor may have nothing to do with their current employment a...
  6. traumaRUs

    Nursing Entrepreneurs

    This field is wide open for enterprising nurses. So many opportunities, so little time! Here are just a few of the possibilities: Website DesignerBest example of this is the site owner, Brian Short. He started AN while in nursing school...
  7. Tim Raderstorf RN, MSN Masters prepared nurse, Chief Innovation Officer at Ohio State University College of Nursing, Speaker, inventor, entrepreneur, consultant........say what???!!! These are just the titles and roles that Tim Raderstorf currently p...
  8. Brenda F. Johnson

    Word Love; My Writing Journey

    After my high school graduation in 1983, I got married to my high school sweetheart and we moved from Florida to Clarksville, TN. He was in the Army and that is where we were stationed and where we began our lives together. Being away from family and...
  9. Tools for the Freelance Writer

    ConnectIf there's a new avenue you'd like to try in your career, chances are someone is out there doing it already - and well. Find them and learn from their experience. Despite my original hesitancy to join the masses, social media has proved to be ...
  10. AllNurses Innovator Hub #1 My Writing Path from Personal Journaling to Textbook Author (or How I Got Started in Writing as a Nurse) For me, writing has always been a safe way to reflect on things that interested or challenged me. Sometimes, a process...
  11. Persons who regularly engage in creative writing, whether it involves simple memoranda, formal business reports, articles, short stories, novels, or dramatic works, supposedly possess the requisite skills for clarity, conciseness, logical structure, ...
  12. Elizabeth Hanes

    How Freelance Writing Works

    When I talk about freelance writing, I'm talking about making a living as a writer. I'm not talking about writing fiction or poetry. It's tough to make a living at those. I like to break down the field of freelance writing this way... There are two m...
  13. Life has a funny way of changing our plans, doesn't it? You made it through nursing school, have a great nursing position, and care for others on a regular basis. Maybe you've even made plans to continue your education or move to a different type of ...