Topics About 'Injections'.

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Found 18 results

  1. IM Injection, Hitting Bone?

    I was giving my mother an IM injection for the Flu Vaccine at the hospital, I did the injection and felt that I hit a bone or something. I did aspirate and received no blood return and went ahead and inject the medication. The injection was a little ...
  2. Covid Vaccine

    I’m giving Covid vaccines in our community. I’m looking for tips on deltoid IM injections from other nurses. Many needle phobic people I want to give the least painful shot as possible. Also many frail people with small arms.
  3. Tips for IM injections?

    Thinking about volunteering at my village health department to give vaccinations for covid. I'm hesitant to join because I don't have much experience but I'm eager to learn and know I will be confident with appropriate tips and skills. Any tips...
  4. Nursing Mistake Feeling Down

    I've been a nurse for about 2 years now, I was working in hospital ambulatory care (spent a lot of time doing vaccines) but now I do allergy. I had taken some 6 months off in between just because the pandemic was getting to me. I started learnin...
  5. Critical Thinking Meets the Aspiration Debate

    I love evaluating things in life through the lens of "risk vs benefit". In health care, decision-making...comparing risk to benefit... takes on special meaning since there is no room for error in an environment where way too many errors are known to ...
  6. Can blunt fill needles be used for IM injections?
  7. As nurses, we often care for patients who are diabetic and take insulin. However, occasionally we may encounter a nondiabetic who has taken insulin. Anyone have any experience with this? What type and amount (approximately anyway) of insulin did y...
  8. I gave a patient an IM injection of 100 mg Thorazine in the LUQ today, and as soon as I withdrew the needle, she really started bleeding quite a bit, like when you remove an IV from a vein, and it pours out blood. Every other time I have given an IM ...
  9. I hit the bone on a very thin old man. I don't think I hit it hard, he didn't notice, but I about lost it. Will there be any residual effects because of this?
  10. I tried to pushed the guard after giving my patient a heparin injection, and stuck my finger. I bled, so I squeezed as much blood out as I can and then washed it with soap and water and alcohol. I looked at pt chart, he was negative for HIV on his re...
  11. We have all experienced the discomfort of muscle pain. As nurses, we often overuse our musculoskeletal system during the workday and experience the consequences later. Intense pain can occur from simply sitting, standing or sleeping in the wrong posi...
  12. Unlicensed Person giving injections

    I am an RN and I recently went to my MD office to get an injection of Prolia. He used to have an RN (his wife) there to do vitals and give injections. The RN is no longer there and he now has his secretary's daughter, who is 18 and a recent high scho...
  13. Trouble with Dorsogluteal injections!!

    Hello, No matter what I do, I seem to hit a bone with I'm injections. I obviously palpate and hold the skin taut before I inject. Also, I aim to above the butt crack , make a "window" and choose the left/right outer upper half. I dont know what else ...
  14. So, I am a new grad and newly licensed RN who went straight into an RN-BSN program and will be doing my Community Health clinical hours in a COVID vaccine clinic. My question is about IM vaccine administration. I was taught the z-track method, b...
  15. Hello, I work at a clinic as RN in a small town. The clinic (A) is independent practice and located inside a hospital facility/addiction treatment center (B). Dr. D works with our clinic and Dr. S works with the treatment center. The h...
  16. I work in psych nursing and I encounter a patient whose deltoid muscles are very dense and fibrous. This patient has been getting IM psychotropic meds for many years and refuses to switch to the gluteal IM sites. Is this from years of IM injections?
  17. I was told by a seasoned nurse that Lovenox (enoxaparin) is never given anywhere but in the abdomen, especially not in the arm. My drug book simply says give only in abdomen (but doesn't say why not elsewhere), but my pharmacology text does not speci...
  18. Back Up for Insulin Injections

    Hello! I work at a middle school. We have a student who is Type I diabetic and takes insulin via an injection pulled up from an insulin pen (not with the pen needle...parent's don't trust the pens). He has a 504 outlining his medical accommodations. ...