Topics About 'Gestation'.

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Found 6 results

  1. allnurses

    How to Compute Age of Gestation

    AOG refers to the length of time a fetus has been developing inside the mother's uterus. It is calculated in weeks and days, starting from the first day of the mother's last menstrual period (LMP). The EDC, also known as the estimated due date (...
  2. Hi, Was just wondering what your experience has been with woman who have had a short cervix this late in pregnancy. My cervix measured 1.4 and I was put on procardia. I am also carrying twins and am ama at 38 years old. Have you seen woman with that ...
  3. What gestational age comes to your unit?

    I am very curious as to what other hospital policies are on this subject and what your opinions as ob nurses are. our hospital is a rural one, doing about 150-200 births per month. I work nights on the weekend and we don't have an ob in house. many o...
  4. I have a good friend with a former 24 weeker (540g) who is doing WONDERFULLY. She is now 16 months and is developmentally normal in all areas. I was talking to her the other day, and she was saying that she couldn't imagine NOT saving her little girl...
  5. I'm curious - in your hospitals, at what gestation do the docs stop being aggressive with preterm labor? I have found this to vary quite a bit in the different places I have worked. At one place (a mid-size level 2 OB with a level 3 NICU), 36 weeks w...
  6. 17 week gestation

    I am an RN, but not in OB. I am in FL and a friend in AL called me today with terrible news. His wife's water broke Wed night. This is (was) 17 weeks gestation for the fetus. He said that labor was being induced today since there is no amniotic sac. ...