Topics About 'Fired After 50'.

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  1. Mamma said there'd be days like this.......what she DIDN'T say was that there'd be so durned many of them. Of all the things in life that I hate the most, interviewing has got to be right up there near the top of the list. I loathe interviews. One re...
  2. Same shinola, different day: I received twin rejections between breakfast and lunch today. One was from the hospice where I'd aced two interviews, only to lose out to someone who lives closer, and the other from the local hospice where I'd really, re...
  3. VivaLasViejas

    You Want Me To Do WHAT??!

    One of the many unexpected delights of my new job as DNS in an assisted living community is the mutual respect and admiration that has developed between my executive director, Mike, and me. I've never had the pleasure of working with someone as compa...
  4. The tide has turned at last. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am once again gainfully employed. As a nurse. At a nursing facility only ten minutes from my front door. I know what my ortho doc said about my knee, but it's healed better than either of us e...
  5. Hello. My name is Marla and I'm an unemployed nurse. There, I said it. Now's the time when everyone's supposed to shout "HI, MARLA!" and applaud. Oh, wait---that was AA, circa 1992. Oops. *blushes* I've talked about this revolting development here on...
  6. VivaLasViejas

    An Attitude of Gratitude

    It seems hard to believe that another Thanksgiving is here, because like most folks my age, I feel as though they're coming faster and faster as the years go by. But all I have to do is look in the mirror and view the snow field where soft brunette h...
  7. VivaLasViejas

    Fired After 50: Epilogue

    If you've been following this series, you know it's been a tough summer for me.......perhaps the toughest one of my half-century-plus on this planet. In three short, but seemingly interminable months, I lost not only my job and my income, but my very...
  8. Well, if I've learned anything from this chapter of my life, it's to be grateful for the simple things that keep me going, even in the face of repeated disappointments and the ennui that tends to accompany an extended period of idleness. Yesterday, I...