Topics About 'Entitlement'.

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  1. I work alongside nurses and am in the process of becoming a nurse myself. While I have great respect for the profession and my coworkers as well as a passion for it (hence my reason for going to RN school), I've noticed nurses (many but not all)...
  2. Joe V

    Patient Entitlement

    We've all seen them......the people who think they should always come first, no matter the circumstances. In the healthcare environment, we cannot always address the needs of patients in the order of occurrence. Contrary to popular belief, the squeak...
  3. I’m a seasoned nurse with a lot of years of experience. I work hard to take care of my patients and their basic needs, and then some. But what is up with these newer grads, like in their younger 20’s? The ones who started 2019-2020, bc something is w...
  4. Entitled Nurses

    We all know someone that we consider to be "entitled." They believe, and in many cases demand, special privileges that they have not worked to earn. Working with these people is a total drag. But... What if there are instances in which bein...
  5. We've all seen this type of patient. They start out in the ER insisting that they be seen first because no one else could be in as much need of medical attention as them. This behavior carries over to the floor once they've been admitted. They want i...