Topics About 'Disabilities'.

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Found 5 results

  1. Have you ever found yourself asking a colleague to repeat something? Or, have to take a little longer than usual to assess heart or lung sounds? Ever have difficulty hearing someone on the telephone. Hearing LossAccording to the American Academy of C...
  2. Who Let the Dogs Out in Nursing?

    Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE dogs (especially black labs)! My daughter, Lauren, is 28 and diagnosed on the autism spectrum. She has a service dog from Canine Companions for Independence. Mr. Toy (Toyon is his real name) has helped Lauren in many ...
  3. Resident Thinks I’m A Fake Nurse

    We got a new resident admitted to our LTC. He’s alert and oriented. He’s in his 60s. Anyways I’m hard of hearing. It’s been incredibly difficult for me to understand everyone with masks on but my manager and the team have been amazing and suppor...
  4. Hurt Back? Here Are Some Options

    Are you part of the 52 percent? According to the American Nurse Association, 52 percent of nurses report experiencing chronic back pain. Unfortunately, 12 percent of nurses report they are leaving the profession due to back problems, further exacerba...
  5. According to the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA), a learning disability is a neurological condition that interferes with an individual's ability to store, process, or produce information. Learning disabilities can affect one's abil...