Topics About 'Difficult Patients'.

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  1. Have you ever had to deal with a difficult patient? It's challenging to say the least, but did you know that they help you become a better nurse? It's not always easy to find the reason behind unruly patients but if you can manage then you can succes...
  2. VivaLasViejas

    Good-bye, Mrs. Meanjeans

    After a few years in this business, we all learn that patient-care supplies are hard to find (and even harder to get administration to pay for), but one thing we never run out of is bad-patient war stories. Like everyone else, I've got my share of th...
  3. VivaLasViejas

    What I Know About: The PITA Patient

    I prefer to call them "high-maintenance" patients, actually. But whether you've been a nurse for thirty years or thirty minutes, you probably use the more familiar PITA designation......and you dread it when your assignment includes one or more of th...