Topics About 'Breakroom'.

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Found 4 results

  1. Breakroom Pet Peeves

    What are your breakroom or break time pet peeves? I bet stealing people's food is on top, but there is way more. I'll give mine to start: 1. There are a few chairs, to begin with, in the tiny breakroom. Your Target backpack DOES NOT require a ch...
  2. Did you ever have a moment where you just wanted to explode? You know what I mean... The patient who loves to push your buttons. The boss who doesn't know you exists. The co-worker who keeps calling off. The love-life you...
  3. Joe V

    Coffee Lounge Club Open

    The new Coffee Lounge Club is now open to Platinum Members. The Coffee Lounge is an off-topic discussion forum for Platinum and long-time members. The forum is open for all to read but only Invited Members can participate. Feel free to talk about p...
  4. Nurses, have you ever tried explaining to newly licensed Nurses how it used to be when YOU were a brand new Nurse? I mean, really. Do they roll their eyes, think you are just a crusty old-timer who lives in the past and are out of touch with reality?...