Topics About 'Attitude'.

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Found 5 results

  1. I work alongside nurses and am in the process of becoming a nurse myself. While I have great respect for the profession and my coworkers as well as a passion for it (hence my reason for going to RN school), I've noticed nurses (many but not all)...
  2. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Reminders

    That One Patient takes the shape of many different things, and for me, it was Mr. Smith, a patient admitted with Altered Mental Status due to an infection in his spine that had allegedly gone to his brain and made him a completely different person th...
  3. At a crossroads

    I've been a nurse for 18 years ( actually more like 20). I've worked in the same hospital for 16 years. I've worked in my current department for about 11 years. I've always had anxiety about nursing. Lately, I've felt very small and insignifican...
  4. VivaLasViejas

    An Attitude of Gratitude

    It seems hard to believe that another Thanksgiving is here, because like most folks my age, I feel as though they're coming faster and faster as the years go by. But all I have to do is look in the mirror and view the snow field where soft brunette h...
  5. I'm a new nurse, and I have difficultly working with other nurses and nursing assistants who have attitudes. I love when I am with the nice ones who don't mind helping ever. But some people just have an attitude. I don't want to be the bad guy and de...