Published Feb 4, 2021
3 Posts
Hi I’ve been a nurse for 29 years. Mostly surgical. In the past I’ve done ICU, CCU, and floated to every dept in the hospital except L&D. I’m tired of medsurge and running around for 6-8 acute patients . I was offered to shadow L& D and train for 4-6 months. Do you think it’s too late to learn a whole new specialty after 29 years ? IDK what to do.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
Look into it. See if you can shadow. How much overlap in skills are there between what you know and what you will have to learn?
Another factor: what is your energy level? Are you a tired nurse or do you have a lot of energy. Starting in a totally unrelated new specialty will mean almost starting over. This takes a lot of stamina because everything will be much harder because you are new. Are you ready to take on a whole lot of new information and put the work in to become competent. Are you humble enough to accept being a beginner of sorts despite you long years in nursing?
I once considered transferring to OR, but then I realized I wasn't up for starting at the very beginning again, that there was not enough overlap of my previous experience.
Thank you ! You put it perfectly. That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking .. it’s like starting over in a way. But then I think .. I have about 15 yrs left in my career . I am going to shadow next week.
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
You know how to be a nurse. You've got a huge body of experience. Look at a change as something fun and interesting, not a burden, and it'll go better for you.
Thank you. My kids are grown now , I have time to focus now on something new . I don’t want to go back to school for any higher positions. so this may be what I’m looking for !