Switching fields


Has anyone looked into switching from Nursing to Occupational therapy or Physical therapy. As a certified occupational therapy assistant, the pay is not that different from an RN, and yes, pay is really important, I have a morgarge, medical expenses and other bills. In Texas cOTA's sometimes make more than RNs. Don't get me wrong, I love or loved being an RN but I went from being a lead resource and part of the rapid response team to doing vitals and kissing behinds in a nursing home or whatever job I have. All I'm looking forward to Isabel day when my license is free again but who know when that will be. Probation in Texas is just torture to say the least. pre-reqs are identical to RN/ADN and it's a 1 year program if accepted. Chime in if you have looked into this or any other healthcare related field. Just trying to explore all available avenues.

I do not know the answer to this myself, but I want to caution you to check into exactly what questions are asked when you apply for licensure, because I am pretty sure I recall this very discussion coming up here on these boards and someone chimed in about how all the healthcare licensing boards share information, making it difficult to get another license if there's a problem with your current license in another healthcare field. I don't know any specifics, but I know it was discussed here. Hopefully someone who knows more will speak up.

Yeah, I'll echo the last sentiments. If we have a regulatory board then PT and Ot probably does also. That's the bad part. The good part might be those boards could have normal functioning adults composing them instead of over-functioning twits with an poor self esteem and control issues. AKA many nurses.

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