SW Boces Entrance Exam

U.S.A. New York


Hi everyone!! I applied to Southern Westchester Boces and I am scheduled to take my entrance exam next Thursday. I am looking for anyone who has attended or has recently been accepted to the school. Or even anyone who knows anything about the test and scores needed in order to get accepted. I'm getting very nervous about the exam and any advice would be appreciated. I am curious to know how students are accepted - what scores are they looking for? Thank you!

I'll also be doing the FT day program and also commuting. I'll definitely keep you posted on every little piece of information that I find out... you do the same! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on your test day :)

Another question, the reading part is broken down like the c-net test or given as a whole article?

There are like 3 or 4 passages that you have to read followed by like 5 questions each passage. The most you would have to read is a couple paragraphs per passage. Some have two paragraphs while others have four or five. I would suggest reading the questions first and then begin reading. That way, you'll know what to look for in the passage.

hey guys!!

im taking the entrance exam tmrw morning (8:30am) for SW Boces. i didnt take the prep course or get their materials, but i downloaded the CNET practice math exam on cnetnurse.com. this is pretty much what the math portion consists of, right?? also, i noticed two of you are applying for the day program. i can only do night...i didnt get the option to which program i want to do on the app...they said this would be discussed in my interview if i passed the test. it seems like there are wayyy more seats for day than night...if i can only get into the day program this would be a total waste! if u have any advice or info on this please let me know ASAP id sooo appreciate it :)

Hi, I took my exam last Thursday and I am still waiting for my results. Are you talking about the C-Net sample math test that they provide on the website? If so, the math is very similar to that. For conversions like celsius to farenheit (& vice versa), they give you the forumla and you just have to plug the numbers in & do the problem. Same with medication problems...they give you the foruma and you just have to plug in the numbers. Just be sure to brush up on fractions (how to add, subtract, multiply & divide them) and percentages and ratios. Be sure to know how to solve word problems that consist of ratios as well. The test isn't extremely difficult.. I felt fairly confident after completing the test.

There wasn't a portion on the application that questioned whether or not we wanted to do the day or night program. I'm not really sure how it works.. but I'm guessing that once we get accepted, we will be able to do the program of our choice.

Hopefully this helps. Good luck with your exam tomorrow!


Just wanted to wish you luck on your exam tomorrow! Keep me posted on how you do.

thank you Abenitez422!

glad to hear the test is similar to the CNET on the website...there werent any farenheit celsius questions on the practice exam, but you said they give you that info so there isnt anything i need to study right? is it just like the practice exam where about 80% of it is word problems about patients and medications and you pretty much just need to know how to divide multiply add sub fractions decimals and percents and stuff? thanks! i hope you read this in time lol

oh and also- they dont give you the formula to solve the probs on the practice exam you kinda need to know how to figure it out do you know what i mean..is it different on the test?

No, you dont have to study the conversions... they give you the formula. For example it will give tell you C=(90F-32) 5/9. So you would subtract 90 & 32, multiply by 5 & divide by 9.

For med problems, they give you the formula so you don't need to study anything.. just know how to do the problem. also, there are a lot of common sense problems. For instance, converting a patients height to meters. Once you look at the other answers, you'll know that it is only possible for a patient to be 2.2 meters rather than 200 meters or even 20 meters. So if you see a question like that on the test, don't spend time trying to figure it out because its common sense and it will save you a TON of time! Remember, you only have 1 hour to answer 50 math questions!

Just finished the test! Wow really wish I had taken ur advice to heart abt not spending too much time on questions...I felt like I knew all the answers but spent so much time on the beginning dbl checking my answers that I didn't have time to finish the last 10 or so! I was really upset but everyone said they did the same so hopefully I still have a shot :*(

I know.. it's almost impossible to finish all math questions in 1 hour. You weren't the only one who didn't finish in time... I know a lot of people who ran out of time before they were able to finish. Dont worry! Remember all you have do is score better than 50 percent of the national norms group. So I'm sure you'll be fine. Now it's the wait that is torture!

That's true..I'm so glad to hear you say that a lot of people you know didn't have time either! I know, the wait is torture..from what they said today they call you within two weeks if you did well to sched the interview..the rest gets their test scores in a letter (the ones who did ok I suppose? So the "maybes") ughh if I don't get a call and I see a letter in the mail ill die!!

So today I took the exam and I am still very stressed. I feel I did very well on the math portion, not so well on reading comp. However I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We'll see if they call in a few weeks....

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