Published Nov 29, 2004
1,085 Posts
Has anyone heard whether the RNs employed in Sutter owned hospitals in the San Francisco Bay Area are still planning on stiking on December 1?
SOLIDARITY, Sutter brothers and sisters!!! We're with you!!
TiffyRN, BSN, PhD
2,315 Posts
Last I heard they are still a go. I hear it will be a one day "strike" with up to a five day lockout. I don't understand how those two things are different but I'm not educated about unions. . . never had that option
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Hadn't heard that at all but I'm not up on all the nursing news. Unless it is printed here.
We had a chance, actually more than one, to unionize and the nurses wholeheartedly turned it down. We have one very smart LVN who peppered the reps with so many very intelligent questions that I think the reps were glad to get the heck out of here. :)