surviving nursing shcool

Nursing Students General Students


What do most people consider to be the hardest part in nursing school?

Specializes in psych/dementia.
Exactly. My instructors said, "If you have to ask 'But what if....?' then you are reading too much into the question."

I like this! Now if I could figure out a way to not miss the "easy" questions sometimes also . . .

I am at the end of my first semester of my Associates Degree. I have had a horrible time with the test questions in our Fundamentals and Skills classes. I am not going to pass my Skills class, and will be re-taking it next semester due to the test questions. I was devastated that I didn't pass. I just wish I could get a handle on these questions so I could be confident that I won't have these problems going forward. I have been reading a test success book, and I have been practicing Nclex questions online also.

My advice to you is, dont stress. You will be fine. I had to repeat pharm the first time. I was devastated. Then I realized it was the best thing for me. I am more relaxed this time and more focused, compared to the first seven weeks. My nerves was all over the place. I learned, when you are calm and relaxed, you focus and intake information better. I also told myself I dont want to barely pass a class by 1 or 2 points. I think you would struggle in the next class or later. Repeating my class, just set me back 7 weeks. The students who barely passed are now with me in my new class, since we are on a 7 week rotation. We are just going to continue to help one another, and pray we all make it to the end, even if it takes a little longer than expected. Remember its nothing to be ashamed of. We are all in this together! (-:

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