Survived my first year in Nursing School , Here are some tips that might help you


Hello , so i survived my first year in nursing school and i wanted to share what i learned so far and what has worked for me during this process

we all know by now that nursing school is not easy and we need to dedicate long hours to studying and is hard to stay focused . A little about me , i work full time and go to school full time , crazy right ? but some of us have to do it .here are some tips that help me to keep my sanity LOL

1- Social media got to GO , no more Instragram , facebook , twitter , snapchat . My grades went up !! after all of :laugh:these was gone , found myself listening to my teacher's lecture recordings every morning instead of checking IG , and spending more time on quizlet doing practice tests and had more time for my family .

2- Say NO to going out every weekend , you will have plenty of time after !( and you will lose some friends also )

3- If you are single stay single LOL

I hope this helps :) thank you and dont give up

All three tips you posted are actually really true. The convenience of technology nowadays allows social media to be accessed easily and I learned that the hard way when I was doing my LVN program. However; when I had to repeat my final term again I didn't cut out Social Media I just used it minimally. I definitely said NO to going out at all because I know I have to finish what I need to do and luckily I didn't lose a whole lot of friends. Instead, my friends were proud of me finishing one of my goals. I definitely was single all through nursing school and actually I never thought of being in a relationship because my priorities needed to be set and being 31 gonna be 32 this October it was time for me to buckle down and finish.

Thank you !! for me i had to get rid of all social media i would get distracted very easy :no: i would spend more time online than studying .

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