Published Nov 7, 2005
9 Posts
not sure about my new job.
43 Posts
It depends on why you are unsure? I've taken jobs for the hours and was tenative about the job then loved it! But have taken jobs that I was sure I wanted then HATED the job and regretted it.
I think it really depends on what you are unsure of!
well, I took because it was my first interview.
lsyorke, RN
710 Posts
Sorry, I had to laugh at this one... Glamourous... nursing!!!!:chuckle
I've done ortho for 20 years and love it, give it time!
nursing 101
485 Posts
well, I took because it was my first interview and they offered me the job before I even left the place. I'm not saying ortho is a bad situation, its just that when your fresh out of nursing school, I think you imagine more glamourus positions.
May I ask what is considered a more glamourus position to you? Not being sarcastic just asking. Some people consider ICU a glam position but I don't. So it all depends on what you consider a "glam" position. :)
Well I don't know what in nursing is Glam! But I do love being a nurse!
As for ortho... I love it give it a try. When ever I manage to get back to hospital nursing I will be back in ortho. :chuckle
Ortho does give you lots of "nursing" experience for a new grad. (Not that skills= nursing but it gives you confidence). IV's, dressing changes, transfers, post op assesments, pain control, foleys, drains and you get to work with OTs and PTs who can teach you a whole lot.
Good luck!
You know, like when you first start nursing, you say " I'm going to be a NICU nurse or a peds nurse, or just anything not dealing with med surg, the not so glamourus floor nursing. I really believe that I will excell in any position I am in, I just am not sure if I should have held out for something else?