

After leaving a bad facility, with horrible teamwork, how can one find out what the teamwork is really like at other facilities? HR and Hiring Manager can only say so much during interviews and I'd like a better more supportive experience

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

One suggestion would be visit the facility and ask staff

One suggestion would be visit the facility and ask staff

Wouldn't that be inappropriate though? what would be the best way i could do that?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

For me whenever possible I have asked for a informal meeting and opportunity to look around

Specializes in Trauma ICU.

When you interview ask the manager if you can shadow on the unit. Then you can see how the unit functions and observe how the staff interact with each other. I would ask to shadow on whichever shift you are applying for because there can be big differences between nights and days on any particular unit.

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