Published Nov 16, 2007
50 Posts
Does anyone out there know of any companies that donate supplies to the school health clinic? I'm in need of several things. Thanks!
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
How about your PTA ? Can they sponsor your clinic and lend a hand with the supplies. Does your school system have a budget for you ? Seems like the school should be keeping you in supplies for the students. Good luck with this.
I have tried to get my school to purchase these things and I just get laughed at, they buy the basic stuff, band aids. personal products, eye wash etc. I'm asking for things that would make my life easier, like an otoscope, a good stethescope, a shredder so that I don't have to go "borrow" one from another part of the building. As far as the PTA goes, they just supplied the funds for a new security system and an AED for the school. Not that I asked for either. Thanks for your input, I will keep trying, or else I will purchase the things I need and take them with me when I leave the school.
1,112 Posts
The PTA usually has a mini grant budget, and a supplies like the stethoscope and the shredder are a benefit to the school and their kids - go ahead and apply - easy easy forms.
Another group is you local hospital auxiliary, the Rotary, etc.