Suicide in Psych Ward

Specialties Psychiatric


Something terrible happened over the weekend at the hospital I do clinical at. A man (who just so happens to be a neighbor of mine) had been severely depressed over the farm accident death of his 11 year old son. He had a drinking prob and was too hung over to go to the field, so he sent his son out to do it. The tractor flipped and killed him instantly. He had been doing odd things (like having a beer party at his house 2 days after burying his son). The family had taken all the guns out of the house, but he was looking for a handgun from people.

Anyhoo, the county police chaptered him last weekend after he threatened his wife. They took him to the Psych ward on a Saturday night, and on Sunday morning, he pulled a small pistol (berringer? sorry, don't know guns) out of who knows where and blew his brains out.

Ok, few questions here. I know obviously the police are at fault (they said they searched him...?) b/c of the gun. Is the hospital at fault at all? Personally, I think if he is chaptered and in custody, the nursing staff shouldn't have to do gun searches. Also, this hospital lets them wear what they came in with, just no shoes. Are all places like this?

My mom used to work there when they let them keep their shoes and walked in on a guy who had hung himself. This was back in the late 60's. What do you all think? I had thought briefly about working in psych, but if the police can't stop someone from bringing in guns.....:chair:

In my state, (Vermont), cavity searches are not allowed - even for people entering prison. You would be suprised what people manage to smuggle in. So even though the patient who suicided passed through police custody, that doesn't mean they were able to completely search him.

i assume he came into the er w/ the police and was then admitted?!?!

our facility requires pt be completely undressed (underwear included) and placed in blue paper scrubs - they are searched for dangerous items at this time.... this is to prevent the above..... i feel it is a good practice - for both staff and patient safety.....

What a terrible thing to have happen. I am surprized that the hospital didn't search this pt. more for anything he could hurt himself. Whenever a pt. is at risk you generally find out what he has on his person. also even though it is usual to wear street clothes don't they check the pt out when they admitt him to the unit? I work at a long term psychiatric hospital and we do a search of everything as well as whatthe pt is wearing or carrying when they are admitted and anytime they are out on pass off grounds , shopping,or on return from leave for anthing that is contraband on the hospital grounds.I think if you feel this pt is suicidal or homicidal it should be a matter of protocol to find out if they have anything on their person to harm themself.

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