Published Apr 8, 2015
180 Posts
Hi everyone!
Recently on my floor we have a pt which c-diff and just last night in learnt that we shouldn't use the same dynamap we use for other pts for the c-diff pt which is understandable.
But, my thing is, I was approached by the CNA and another nurse so that I can use my pulse ox to get her pulse and O2 sat, and I refused, and this is my reason. IF THE ADMINISTRATION MADE A RULE NOT TO USE THE DYNAMAP IN HER RM .THEY SHOULD PROVIDE A MEANS OF GETTING HER VITAL SIGNS TOO.... or I'm I now the one that should put myself at risk.... yes, I do clean my pulse ox.. but I just feel that when we as nurses try to make things work, administration will not remember to do THEIR job..which is providing us with work equipments to work with...
Everyone was like, it's not as if poop was going to get on my pulse ox so why don't I want to use it.
I was just soooo furious that they even thought of me using my pulse ox, which by the way I use on OTHER pts too.. so where's the justification for that. ..
Im just venting y'all... I just want to know if I am being so unreasonable..
7,736 Posts
Am just reading your post now - must have missed it. I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but I will say that I do understand your hesitancy to use your own equip. I wouldn't take it 'so furiously' re your co-workers asking to use it. It's not their equip; they just don't understand your reasoning. Did you explain your rationale to them? By the way, I do agree with your reasoning.
Two things - why aren't they manually palpating (or auscultating) a pulse? So they'd only be without the pOX. And are you sure your facility doesn't have any prohibitions against using personal equip? Some places do because your equip COULD be wrong and some manufacturers warn personal models are for home use only, not industrial use. You could be liable for error if you make a decision based on your own personal equip.
If you're protective of your equip, make it a point to NEVER loan it out. If it's dropped, lost or stolen, you're SOL - use that as your reason.