Successful College network users for Excelsior NC Exams?


Hello, I am an LPN/hospice and took all my general education for Excelsior college at local community college. Is there any students who were successful with Nursing Concepts exams with College Network study guides? Input SINCERELY appreciated!

Hello, I am an LPN/hospice and took all my general education for Excelsior college at local community college. Is there any students who were successful with Nursing Concepts exams with College Network study guides? Input SINCERELY appreciated!

This really isn't a direct answer to your question, but before you sign onto the College Network you will want to contact Excelsior DIRECTLY (go to their web site and get their phone number and call them). They have a very strong caveat in their literature (the college does) regarding outside publishing companies. My understanding is you can do this with much less expense going through the college directly.

I would have to disagree with the fact that going through Excelsior's study guides are less expensive. For each nursing concepts course they recommend that you purchase appx. 2-4 books, which if you are familiar with college textbooks, then you know are very expensive. I would highly recommend that you use the college network's study guides because they cover all the material in the content outline as the books excelsior recommends, but you will be reading less. The key to using the college network is not to sign up with them, rather get your study guides from ebay, which will save you sooooo much more money. When going on ebay type in excelsior college and all books pertaining to excelsior will come up. Good luck :)

hi! congrats on furthering your education. the big thing is, how do u study? if u can read and pass the tests, then one of the study guides might do it for u. u can also get a few textbooks (ones with broad info in them) and download the free ec content guide-which is an outline of what is on the test. then u can make your own notes looking stuff up. this worked well for me b/c i learn best by writing. good luck to u. definetly try ebay, or the bookechange on the epn on ec's website. people sell stuff used there too.

I really admire the savvy folks who can get the materials off of Ebay and study from Excelsior's study guide, BUT, I signed on with College Network 3-1/2 years ago and I offer no complaints whatsoever. I signed on for NC 1-7 plus 5 general ed. courses. I passed each and every one first time. I made a "B" average. I felt I got a lot for my money. Yes, it was expensive but they offered a very nice payment plan (and no, I don't work for College Network if that's what you're thinking :chuckle ). I just wanted to put in a good word for those folks because they did right by me.

Good luck to you!

:nurse: Hi Primadonna, I'v just join this web site a month or so ago, read your post and it sound just like myself. I finished all my gereral ed class at my community college. All I have left is my nursing classes. I went a head and

signed up with college network. A coworker left one of her study guides from college network, I really like the way their guides read. Anyway I started studying for nursing concepts 2. My friend has taken all of

her exams except for one general education course ,she had to start from the begining. She only used the guides to study with,and passed all with A&B's. Angie works full time and has 3 kids, she basicly just study every wakening moment ,I wish I could be that deciplined! I recently started working with a local hospice company,and I really enjoy it. It's so nice to

be appreciated by families and the community. I also enjoy being surrounded by wonderful caring nurses, that encourge and appreciate the

L.P.N.'s How long have you been with hospice?

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