Stuff my patients say...


Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

A night in the ER is sure to bring out so many characters... along with their lovable selves come some of the best form of entertainment. So, some of my co-workers and I have decided to start compiling some of the craziest things we've heard... Here are a few of them:

1. Pt. just being wheeled in to the ER:

a. Pt: Nurse, can I have some pain medication?

b. Pt: Am I gonna be admitted?

All the while they've not even yet been seen by a doctor. Sir/maam, you've been in the ER for about 5 minutes. =_=

2. Pt. being wheeled in... "I'd rather go back to the morgue."

Nurse: "Oh, we have one of those here too."

PUAHAHAHA Pt- 0 Nurse-1

3. MD: so, what brings you to the ER?

Pt: My legs are hurting. My arthritis is acting up?

MD: do you take medication to relieve the pain? What usually works for you?

Pt: (at this point stuttering) Perco...perco...percojesus. Yes, Percojesus.

Puahaha yep! Pain meds are heaven-sent. Percojesus got good old acetaminophen! ;)

Oh, my goodness I so needed a good laugh, percojesus. I am so using that at work!

So instead of percojesus, they got tylenhell?!

Oh lord, I need to go to bed......

we admitted a guy out of the ED to our floor at 0630 this AM after he called EMS to claim a "diabetic emergency". When EMS got to his house he told them that he needed to be taken to the ER for his "Bilaudid" for pain management.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
we admitted a guy out of the ED to our floor at 0630 this AM after he called EMS to claim a "diabetic emergency". When EMS got to his house he told them that he needed to be taken to the ER for his "Bilaudid" for pain management.

Silly patients.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.
Oh, my goodness I so needed a good laugh, percojesus. I am so using that at work!

You could only imagine what I endured having to witness that when the doctor was talking to the patient. Lol

A patient recently told me that she was scheduled for a stress test and an autopsy the following day.

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