Studying for AANP 2014 Exam and feel like I know nothing

Nursing Students NP Students


I have been studying for the AANP board exam since 07/18/2014 at least 10-12 hours per day. My test is August 5. I feel like I know the material and then when I take a practice exam I feel like I don't know the material. Maybe I need to take a break for 24 hours? I like to know is anyone else having this issue and when and what is considered too much studying?

Specializes in ICU.

Congrats! I am taking my exam on Mon, Aug 18th. I am at the point now of just reviewing and answering questions. I took the AANP practice exam and got a 73%, which gave me somewhat of a boost of confidence, but not really. I've used Hollier review CDs, some Fitzgerald (I find she goes into a lot of detail/overwhelming), APEA Q bank (which I used all of, so I am not repaying), and I am using Leik's book. I am kind of sick of answering questions at this point because when I mess up, it gives me a lot anxiety. I have off work Sat/Sun so i am just going to review Hollier book with corresponding body system in Leik and maybe do some questions. I really hope I pass because I'm 28 weeks pregnant and want to focus on my baby right now!!!

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