Published Mar 11, 2008
200 Posts
Please list your tips to help you remember all we need to know for our exams. Here are mine.
Smell something while studying (I rub an orange peel on the back of my hand for a light scent) then smell it when you take the test to help remember.
Listen to your notes/lectures on recordings while sleeping
Review notes just before going to bed (saw this on the human body show on discovery or TLC?)
Draw stupid pictures to remember/use colors.
Any other ideas? Would love to hear yours...
181 Posts
I sent my notes to my iphone as an email so that I can read when I'm out and about.
I make up bizzare stories, sometimes obscene, to trigger my brain to remember difficult stuff.
After reading certain chapters, I force myself to remember few hours later whenever I'm not studying, for example when I'm in the shower, in the car, etc.
I don't use flash cards cause I think it's boring, so I pretend to be a lecturer, teaching my cats about pathophysiology, pharmacology, etc.
Yes, I definitely review my notes before going to sleep, even for 10 mins, and upon waking up. The minute I open my eyes, I grab my book and read about a pathophysiology.
18 Posts
Guys its so simple. Sleep on your books, learn through osmosis:clown:
54 Posts
I have difficulty with my fundamental nursing+health assessment. how did you guys study for these classes?
32 Posts
I too, give lectures to my cat and dogs. Also, it helps if I write or rewrite certain things.