Studing During Break

Nursing Students General Students


Hey all. I am in between semesters. I have been off since Sept 3rd, and go back on the 22nd.

So my question: How many of you actually study during this time? I have kept my mind going on certain things that I struggled with in Assesment and other such things. But I haven't really opened the book of anything. And knowing that 2 of my classes go along with the 2 I took this past quarter- more then likely we will be tested on both courses material.

Whats your thoughts? I have throughly enjoyed my break with few stresses- and I get tensed up when I just THINK about going back to school.

Hope all is going well with you all- and talk to you soon. :)

Oh yeah - I'm on a two week break right now and am trying to get through all of the stuff we'll be covering in A&P when we go back. I always find it easier to learn stuff when I've given my brain lots of time to "absorb".

I write myself a little plan for what I want to cover in the break - then just plod through it, write flashcards and keep my flashcards next to my TV chair. So during commercials I run through them...there are so many commercials that I can use that wasted commercial time to get some really good memorisation done.

Make sure you get a good break too though - that's why I write a list. When my list is finished, I PLAY!

That's a good idea about the flashcards. I never thought about doing that, but flashcards take alot of time to make. Do you make a list daily of what you need to study? That's another good idea too!

Naw - I just use 3x5 cards and a big black marker. After I've made notes (or read through a chapter) it takes me about 5 mins to make 1/2 dozen flash cards from the main points I'm trying to learn. Easy peasy :-)

Yes I make a daily plan - stops me doing too much or too little in a day. Today's plan for example went like this:

Digestive system - reading (1 chapter)

Digestive system - questions (10 questions)...I imagine the questions they will ask in the exam, or find them on the internet.

Digestive system - tutorial case study (from workbook)

1 Chapter psych (reading)

Make Flashcards A&P (about 5)

Make Flashcards psych (about 5)

read 3x flashcards psych (that's reading at least 3 times per set)

read 3x flashcards A&P (same - reading the whole set I've made at least 3 times)

Review phototransduction (read previous notes)

Review pathways for vision. (read previous notes)

Review hearing and equilibrium (read previous notes)

Printout hard stuff (that I'm having trouble with) from hearing and equilibrium and tack to my wall in TV viewing line-of-vision!

In all it takes maybe 2 hours to finish all the things on my list - I find that having a list keeps me focussed. After every 2-3 things I take a little break and have a coffee. It's no big deal to do, and it really helps when study time comes around and I have all of this stuff covered!

Each day I try to tackle some new stuff, make flashcards, practice with flashcards I've made, review stuff from previous days and incorporate stuff I'm just not memorizing well (this is what I stick to my wall!).

Personally I think it really helps to have a "plan" in mind - stops me farting around reading email and not knowing what to do! lol

I'm going to have to try that. I slack on studying and play on the computer instead and that's not gonna help me learn! lol I need a plan so I know what to do and know that I have to do it because its there on the list. Thanks!

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