Students from a patient's point of view. Sort of.

Nursing Students General Students


I'm just trying to get some opinions from a few other people. I am nursing student in my 3rd semester. I am also a patient at my doctor's office. It seems like every single time I visit my doctor, there is a student. Sometimes they are medical students, sometimes nursing students, sometimes EMT students, whatever. My doctor also teaches at a medical school so I can understand this.

Nearly every time I have an appointment, a student is always brought in. Most of the time I haven't been asked for permission to have the student come into the examination room. On my last visit, there was a student with the intake nurse and then when I was in with the doctor, they brought in another student. The student who was in the exam room seemed very unfriendly and stood in the corner with a pinched expression on her face. I felt very uncomfortable during this visit due to this girl standing there staring at me with an unfriendly look on her face.

I have some major medical problems that my doctor and I are trying to get a handle on. I am very private when it comes to my medical issues and I don't like to discuss them even with my friends so when a student is in the room, I feel like I'm not as open with the doctor as I should be. But, because I am a student as well, I feel bad saying no to a student but I think that at my next visit, I am going to request that there be no more students during my appointments.

I just feel bad about doing it. Should I?

Thank you everyone!

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