Published Aug 29, 2015
Skittles767, RN
24 Posts
I am curious as to how I am supposed to sign things as a student in clinicals. Yesterday we had a student help with a urine collection and sign on the bottle. Do we write out "student nurse" after our name or "SN" or are we not allowed to sign at all?
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
This is a question best answered by your faculty. Sometimes, what you are allowed to sign off on is dependent on the agreement between the school and the facility where clinicals take place. My school required us to sign as R. Queen, initials of school name, SN. Your school may have a different requirement.
NICUmiiki, DNP, NP
1,775 Posts
There wasn't much for us to sign, but had I needed to, I would have signed SN. The electronic documentation was signed SN.
Your clinical instructor should have that answer for you.